Tuesday, October 13, 2009


A friend's house was on fire yesterday. It all happened because a housemate was boiling water and then she went to class totally forgetting about the water. Fire-fighters came thanks to a alert neighbor. Only the kitchen was badly burnt but the whole house is damn smelly, hot and full of smoke every inch it could go.

This is just a part of the house. Everything single thing from small to big is black. They were really lucky because the gas tank did not explode. So to all people out that, please be careful. My suggestion is that when you already start the fire, please be in front of it, constantly watching over it no matter you are a forgetful person or not.

Don't play- play with fire.



Liz said...

OMG. Damn scary weiiii. Thank God it wasn't too serious, and nobody got injured.

J e n n Y said...

yale..the housemate so careless..