Monday, October 26, 2009

Hello =)

I just can't leave my blog dead like that for awhile, so I will continue to update but not as often as I used to. Hehe

Study week ended yesterday and I just finished my 1st paper awhile ago. It was Organic Chemistry 2 and it was an okay paper.

Take a look at my exam timetable below. Seriously can died man!

Exam oh exam, who on earth created you?
You never fail to make me stress,
Nor fail to make me sad,
Just sometimes I wonder,
Why do you have to be that difficult?
And make my life even miserable =(



Michelle said...

I'm dead for the paper today :(

Anyway, good luck in ur exam! =)

J e n n Y said...

all d best to u too =)

Unknown said...

hey, ur timetable is better than me la! i got exam on 27, 29, 30, 31, 5(2papers), 10, 12....

J e n n Y said...

same same lah...i feel my time pack cos i have damn a lot of things to study for a subject..