Friday, October 16, 2009

We Are Not What You Think We Are

One of my major's lecturer commented recently that we, 2nd year students are not as quality as she was when she was an undergraduate like us. I felt that she should not take herself or any other previous undergraduates for comparison.

Majority of FST's 2nd year student now have 7 majors to handle this freaking sem and next sem. We are the 1st batch where the uni increased our credit ours and added some new majors, which means we are learning more than our seniors. Of course it is good for us and I am totally satisfied of what I am learning now.

However, lecturers should understand that with 7 majors in our hand, we cannot just concentrate on 1 or 2 particular major. How can we just concentrate on a few majors and ignore the rest? Definetly we, students want to be all-rounded and do not want to retake any majors anymore.

Furthermore, lecturers should give us more time to complete assignments and tutorials. Imagine 1 major-1 tutorial-consist of 30 question and the due date is within a week. Hello? I have other tutorials also which all require much time and effort to do it.

If only lecturers could also understand that we also need to be active in other activities for our SPKG. We did not choose to have this SPKG implemented on us but we were forced to. Although I have chosen to ignore it which means when I graduate, I will a cert lesser than my fellow friends.

It really angered me the other day when a lecturer commented that we are of low quality undergraduates. And it was all just because we forgotten what was taught by another lecturer a month ago.

Well, I apologise for being one the students that disappointed you but it was not my will to disappoint you in the 1st place.

Dear lecturer, please be considerate and think, what if you were in our shoes?

Come to think of it, I have 9 freaking majors during 1st sem, 3rd year.
That time I will vomit blood more than I am doing now.



Mat Gila said...

Come to think about it, both you and her has merits. I do see the 1989 batch being said as the worst batch of students up to date, in most levels or areas of most educational institutions. Reason? Can't be explained. In fact, I saw most people score C, D and even E for that's subject's mid-term exam, just on two topics. Not to mention about how she scolded students who does not focus in the lectures. In fact, most of us (at least my friends in my college) spend too little time on studies, pointed by another professor. I guess that apparently the habit of giving back what we learned to the ones who taught us lead us to such wrath as well.

Yet, she oversees the fact that the new system adds up burden to every student starting from our batch. Lectures, classes and assignments in the morning, hostel activity at night and the rest? Unless we are ready for sacrificing health. And taking 9 subjects as well (no wonder they try to get a 4 year course). Apparently, we are out of balance due to the system. We spend too much time adapting ourselves in a sudden change which is not our fault rather than building up our learning ability.

I guess we have no choice but to hang on. Once it's over it's over for real.

Liz said...

I've chosen to ignore SPKG too. Even if we fail terribly, we will still graduate if we do well. But if our damn SPKG is 4.0 but our studies suffer because of that, you won't even graduate. To h*** with SPKG (excuse my language) >.<

J e n n Y said...

wee chern> maybe I should specify this post to myself because I know that I, myself is definitely not as what she said. I concentrate in lectures, completes tutorial and assignments and go to the lib in effort to search for answers and at the same time struggling to handle 7 majors.

Lisa> *high 5! Like one of my Prof said, "Kamu masuk uni untuk dapatkan degree ataupun SPKG?" Degree of course!