Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Irritating Wednesday

Today, William Tan went to Yun Nam.
Then, he did a short hair treatment.
After that, the consultant kept on pursuing him to buy the product and do more treatment.
Next, a specialist came to continue to pursue him.
Finally, we said we could consider it.
Now, we will never step into Yun Nam anymore.

Okay the story is this. William went for hair treatment in Yun Nam near Mid Valley Megamall. After scanning his hair to see the problem, the consultant proceeded with a 'herbal' hair treatment which she claim have no chemicals in it. But me as a future chemist haha, I took the bottle and saw Ethanol and Sodium Benzoate. Now if those are not chemical substances then I should really change course.

After that the treatment, she kept on pursuing William to buy the products and continue treatments which costs RM20k. Gosh! Then we said it was too expensive, she went out a few times to try to lower down the price for us. As we were still reluctant, the specialist then came in to TALK to us.

Not talk I should say but making a BIG FUSS. She was making this hair problem like end of the earth, saying doctors can't help, eat what food won't help, have enough sleep is pointless and bla bla bla. Her mouth was damn bad! She said everything as though only Yun Nam can heal hair problems. Come on, even if you are having sore throat for example, doctor would advise you to stay away from fried foods and also at the same time eat medicine right? She actually said that nothing can be done except for Yun Nam's treatments and products. Walau eh!

Okay I understand that that is how sales are suppose to be but what that woman said was really overboard. Sorry lady, we would not bother to call you back anymore.



c e c i l i a said...

so damn rich ar go yu nam

J e n n Y said...

haha..damn scary lah yun nam..