Saturday, November 7, 2009

Which One?

Hmm, Langkawi or Singapore?

Everything is settled and planned, just waiting for confirmation,
but I have been there before.

Never been there, but
nothing is planned and percentage of going is only 50%




Michelle said...

Singapore!! go there only plan.. like a backpack travelling hehe experience it! :P

J e n n Y said...

u went backpacking before?
i haven't experience it before. thanks for the good idea!!

Michelle said...

haha nop. i havent experience it yet but i wish to experience it le hehe anyway hope u enjoy ur trip ya!! =D don forget to buy me a souvenir as well :P haha jk

J e n n Y said...

since you asked.......
i will get you one, if i really go sg =) hehe

Michelle said...

haha then i say thanks 1st lo! Enjoy ur trip regardless u go where =D

c e c i l i a said...

go singapore la. y wanna stuck in msia.
time to explore!

J e n n Y said...

eh u go korea, i wan souvenir..kimchi??...thank u..haha

c e c i l i a said...

kimchi? sure thing? i thouhgt i bring home snow give u!! hahaha

J e n n Y said...

snow can do nothing..kimchi can fill my tummy...hehehe