Sunday, December 13, 2009

Another 21

Yesterday was another 21st birthday celebration. This event was rather simple where it was held under 3 canopies set up in front of the birthday boy's house. And again loud music and Indian food. However this birthday was a bit different. Why? You would know soon when I get more pictures. Hehe so stay tune =P

Cake cutting

Birthday boy, Ravi and primary mates


Then change to Samantha.

More interesting pictures coming soon.
Hehe =)



Liz said...

Hm, is that Marsha Marcus? Em, studying in UTM? Just checking :)

J e n n Y said... come you know her?

Liz said...

Ahaha. Oh. She's a friend of a friend. She might know me, but also maybe not. Our mutual friend is Sam :)