Thursday, December 3, 2009


I came down with a sore eye 2 days ago and have been forced to wear spectacles since then. Ever since I started wearing contact lenses in 2006, I totally forgot the feeling of wearing glasses. Now, I desperately need my contact lenses back! So uncomfortable wearing glasses. It's too heavy for my face. Haha =P



Liz said...

Ahaha. I don't like glasses either. But you haven't been wearing them since 2006?? How come? Don't you watch TV? Don't tell me you wear contact lenses when you watch TV !!!

J e n n Y said...

Not suppose to wear contact lenses when watching tv is it? I know it's not good but actually I wear them more than 8 hours a day

J e n n Y said...

Not suppose to wear contact lenses when watching tv is it? I know it's not good but actually I wear them more than 8 hours a day