Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Steamboating!

Amount of food for 15 people!

Jom mula!

Nice pot, can BBQ also =)

 BBQ more laku.

Hard at work!

Hard at eating!

Put more food!

Only know how to makan. Haha

It was a enjoyable night with a bunch of nice friends =)



Jayren Kwan Hann Yaw said...

Hey , Hann Yaw here , just found your blog . by the way , i had linked you in my blog . Link me too ya ! Nice blog you have ! =)Long time didnt see you , how are you there ? anyway , wanted to ask you your hp number still the same ah ? =)

J e n n Y said...

Hi, yeah i have link ya...i am about u? yup my hp number is still the same =)

Jayren Kwan Hann Yaw said...

hehe . ok . =) I'm fine also . Next time when free , i call you out yumcha la, very long didn't see and chat with you di . =) anyway , add me in msn too la. Then , we can chat . My msn messenger email is jayren_kwan =)