Sunday, January 3, 2010

I hope...

that politicians would grow up. No more fighting in Dewan Rakyat like kids.

that politicians would put rakyat first instead of keep on finding other politicians' fault.

that politicians walk the talk not talk the talk.

that Malaysians would be more considerate and polite especially in KTM.

that KTM would no longer be Keretaapi Taktepat Masa instead Keretaapi Terbaik Malaysia.

that the police concentrate on reducing crimes and stop "eating".

that Malaysians would have work etiquette like the Japanese.

that the 4% tax on everything we buy would not be impose.

that people be nice to opposite races.

that taxi drivers don't cut throats anymore.

that public toilets are much cleaner.

that KL won't be so jam anymore.

that there would be no more berat sebelah in the education system.

to have a better environment in Malaysia.

that Science and Maths to be taught in English.

that UKM would start teaching Science subjects in English.

that UKM would stop forcing people to attend activities.

that UKM stop creating useless subjects.

that lecturers don't be so lazy.

that everything in Malaysia would be improved. Otherwise, I rather migrate.

Malaysia Boleh?

Hopefully bolehlah like this KTM worker.
Although being offered place to sit, but he declined and stand carrying a heavy monitor.
Taiko was like that too when he was in UNITEN, carrying a monitor back then every weekend when laptop was way too expensive.

Conclusion is, let us all continue to pray for our country, Malaysia.

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