Just because students from Food Science could not attend lecture, you don't want to teach. I understand that you want them to listen to the lecture also so why don't you just cancel the class and replace it some other day, instead of using the lecture time to talk crap?
Not only did you talk crap, you also invaded people's privacy. How can you read aloud people's dreams written on the paper for you? And, you as a lecturer should be encouraging. Who are you to judge whether other people's dream could be achieved or not?
You said;
Awak ni tersalah masuk course ke? Cita-cita nak jadi photographer tapi belajar Oleokimia.
Graduate with four flat? Impossible to get lah unless you can maintain four flat very semester.
Kalau kamu nak belajar tentang budaya bangsa negara lain, kenapa ambil kursus Sains Makanan?
Oh my gosh, this is call discrimination!
That is other people's dreams and has nothing to do with you.
huh? ur lecturer really stupid + @#$%&*...lolx..my dream is to be architect lo..but in the reality i chose to study art subject ar..
i totally agree with u!!! tat lecturer is reli annoying and irritating..
JsnlM_림순턬입니다> haiz..i also want to do chemical engineering not chemistry...
Michelle> my coursemates n i intended to just walk out of DAM when she say don't want to teach but don't dare to..haha
You seemed to forget that "do now show something that you never intend to show," In fact, that day she mentioned that those things should passed up, which implicitly means she will read them.
Plus, she is merely stating facts or being cynical at that time. After all, we can't be ideal forever.
What do you mean by "do now show something that you never intend to show"?
Passing up something doesn't indicate that it would be read out loudly. If that is the case, there is no confidentiality between lecturer and student.
Even though only fact, after saying all those negative opinions, she should as least say some encouraging words.
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