Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Early Ang Pow


I got an early ang pow from my lecturer today. He gave 9 people RM10 each for being the top 9 scorers for midsem in Kimia Koordinatan. Haha thanks Prof B!



Liz said...

Waaaaa. Your lecturer so nice gehhhh :)
Congrats !

J e n n Y said...

Haha RM90 is nothing to him..Thanks =)

Michelle said...

wow~ congratz!! btw y ur lecturer only gave 9 people? y don make it 10? haha happy cny anyway =D

Ray Yeap said... gud!!

J e n n Y said...

Michelle>maybe he set a limit to the marks gua..haha..thanks n happy cny to u too..enjoy the holidays= )

Ray Yeap > =P

nzhaoc2pid said...

i know rm10 is nth to u also...
so give it to me k??lol~~

J e n n Y said...

nzhaoc2pid> bler =P earned from my hard studying lehh...hehe