Monday, March 29, 2010

Rumah Seri Kenangan (RSK) Cheng

So last Saturday it was the Pengurusan Persatuan's trip to Malacca for that freaking one hour credit. We went to an old folks home in Jalan Cheng, Malacca. There are many more of these houses all over Malaysia, all under the care of the government. So the place is well-kept, provides good food and have activities for the senior citizens.

According to statistics, RSK has 60% Malays, 30% Chinese, 25% Indians and 5% other races. What bothered me the most was, there were 3 Christians in that house. Although 3 is little compared to other religions there but as what has been said in the Ten Commandments;

"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

Well, maybe they have their own reasons though. There were a few senior citizens in RSK that registered themselves in because they were still single and has nobody to take of them. Another shocking fact was, there was a few cases whereby the husband registered his wife in and vice versa! I saw one case with my own eyes. A son came in with his mum to visit his dad which has walking problems. I was very sure the man was his dad and husband to his mum because  I sort of overheard their conversation. Not purposely as I was with an uncle nearby the family. Just a few pictures only as we were not allowed to photograph inside the dormitory.

This auntie is very accurate in telling how many siblings you have in your family.
She's 85 years old and loves to smile. 

YB Idris Haron, Ahli Parlimen Tangga Batu was there to join us,
and he brought RTM1 along!

Catch us on TV1 but not sure when. Haha

This is Pak Amran. He registered himself in as he is still single.
Spent most of my day listening to his story-telling Malaysia's history. 

Pak Ali waving goodbye as our buses leave RSK at 5.30pm.
Another friendly uncle full with jokes. 

A little souvenir I bought from RSK. 
Some of the old folks hand-made them to earn extra income

With the growing numbers of old folks in all the RSK, it somehow made me think; 
Are we growing towards the technology era nowadays that at the same time our humanism is diminishing in us?

Are we being too materialistic that all moral values were forgotten?

People always say, "I guarantee I won't send my parents these house in the future."

Let me ask you one question; How sure are you not to do so?


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