Friday, March 26, 2010

So true

Want to read an interesting post? Click here and just ignore the vulgar words. Haha

What the blogger write is so true!

I get a lot of emo people around me and sometimes I am the victim of those emo people. Seriously to those emo people out there, if you can't control your feelings, I suggest you just stay away from people.
Now, how did I become a victim? Simple, an emo person just let go temper on me when all I did was ask the person questions about studies. Hello? I did not stepped on YOUR tail okay! Scolding me for no reasons. And this is not the first time.

To those people who always like to emo, please don't emo in front of me. You might just be sorry for doing that. And if you want to scold me, find a suitable reason to do so. I am not a place to let go all your emo-ness and temper.



Insane girl said...

hahahahhahahahhaa.. william is an emo person.. =P


J e n n Y said...

hahaha =D

Michelle said...

hahaha! that post is sooooo true!!! and very suit with those vulgar words.. LOL

J e n n Y said...

actually i also like the vulgar words in that post..hahahaha

Skeelomano said...

Thx for the support shown for my post guys.. =D.. Oh and sorry for the vulgarities used in the post.. It was used to emphasize my points.. XD

p/s: LoL LeeSan.. It's true.. William gets emo sometimes.. =D

J e n n Y said...

ya and im the victim lo..sshhh don't tell him this =P

Skeelomano said...

OMG ahaha.. I think he'll find out soon enough.. =D