Reebok shoes! Actually William was the one that wanted to get a pair of shoes. So happens that I saw a nice design of Reebok and told him to try it on. He said it's very comfortable with sponges inside. And so happens I need a pair of shoes too as the current one is getting old.
So there you have it; we bought the same shoes, unintentionally. Haha =)
Oh and talk about shoes...
This is William's shoes and I think he has more back at home. He has a pair of shoe each for walking, jogging, futsal, football, casual wear, working, going to lectures and bla bla bla. Seriously, I don't know what shoes he still needs. And you think only women have many shoes.
wa~~~~many shoes...
wow~~~got over RM2000 oo??
Ray Yeap> he got more shoes than me..haha
JsnlM_림순턬입니다> no lah. maybe got rm1000...
amazing. i thought only girls buy different type of shoes for different activities. ehe
yeah guys nowadays are so fussy...haha
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