Friday, May 28, 2010


I am a reader of CLEO magazine. An article in the latest issue really made me realised somethings. The title of the article is "The Great Unfriend" and I would like to quote some statements from it.

Going thru the number of my (the author) friends, one might assume I am Queen Bee. Sure, we might know a lot of people but it's a flat lie to call them our "friends."

There would be about 30 that I'd consider 'friends-friends', as in, I would like to invite them to my wedding.

Perhaps the real problem is we're too hasty yo click "Accept" when we see that little friend request pop up.

We might consider refreshing our friends list by removing those who aren't good for us.

I realised it's not worth my time or energy to pretend to be mates with people. 

I believe there's a lesson in this: stop wasting  your time on false relations. Instead, embark on an unfriend frenzy. In the event these people actually notice you've severed them from your life, just remember, they probably have 467 other friends to break their fall.

Recent incident that happened to me really struck me once I read this article. Why want to waste my time "befriending" with spammers or make false relations? FB is for me to keep in touch with my friends. I have said enough. Now, I would be making use of FB's privacy functions and start filtering.



Liz said...

Same here. Nowadays, I don't add anyone I don't know. Sometimes, even if I sorta kinda know the person from school or something, I think first, will I even communicate/chat/msg with this person? If no, I click IGNORE.
That's what I do now. And occasionally, I clear my friends' list. I go through them and delete whoever I don't really know anymore.
I figured, what's the point. We're not competing in a "who-has-more-friends" competition, so what for?

J e n n Y said...

yeah I totally agree! I have filtered off many unknown friends and from now on will only approve those whom I really want to be friends with =)