Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sem Break Job

Semester break is coming to an end soon. And here I proudly say that I spent my semester break doing something very useful. Hehe. For me it was better to work than rotting at home sleeping, eating, watching tv and going online over and over again.

I worked as a Technical Assistant with UMW Petrodril (M) Sdn Bhd at Plaza Sentral. It's an oil and gas company so basically I learnt engineering stuff instead of chemical stuff but hey it was really an eye opening experience. Maybe I am a future engineer in training? Haha =P

My farewell at Kenny Roger's with Equipment Department.
Thanks boss =)

L-R: Assistant Manager, Suppah and Manager, Karthi

Zaki and Pak Sri

Engineers of Equipment Department
or the bachelors of UPSB. Interested anyone?

Nice people Siti and Azlin

So now I have one week left of holiday and I am going to fully utilize it. 


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