Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Welcome Back

Welcome back to UKM. It's my final year! Time flies huh?

Timetables are kind of sucky now with lectures having classes which clashes. Haha previous years it's was our majors that clashes. This year was the other way round.

Need to think of what thesis field I should do; Inorganic, Organic or Analysis?

And I still can't believe that there are not a single chinese Pure Chemistry juniors. How can this be?

It's kind of different now without him =(



Liz said...

Final year lu~ hehe Me still another 2 years, so not that gan jeong yet.

But yeah, for Pendidikan TESL, only one Chinese this year.

They're sieving out the Undergrad program jor. Gonna be 100% Post-grad students for Education Fac soon. >.<

J e n n Y said...

your fac is going to be 100% postgrad? wow that's one big change.
FST has less than half juniors also.

Skeelomano said...

Get me some CUTE juniors jen *tongue doing a semi-circular motion across the upper lip*.. XD..

Oh, by the way, enjoy your final year and don't afflict too much stress on yourself..

J e n n Y said...

just exactly like your profile pic! haha, fyi i saw some cute and pretty juniors in FST..hehehe

yeah sure..thanks =)

Skeelomano said...

My blogger profile pic? XD.. Gotta change that then..

FST huh.. I'll make it a point to scout around that place during my convo.. Who knows, I might get lucky.. LoL

Liz is from UKM eh? Nice blog.. Fingers were itchy and I got clicking.. =D

J e n n Y said...

call me. i will be your tour guide. hahaha.

yeah she is FPEN 3rd yr. very friendly =)

Skeelomano said...

I'll make sure I do.. You can start shortlisting.. =D

I'm very friendly too.. =D