Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Suppose to be studying for tomorrow's midsem exam but here am I. Symmetry oh symmetry, what are you trying to tell me? Can use English ah?

Anyway, zoology people had an open day at fac yesterday and they exhibited some animals such as hamster, guinea pigs and rats. Those are too common right? Yeah, so I guessed that's why they invited a group of people that wears snake like a necklace. wth.

Carrying a python like carrying a baby. 

Python necklace for him. 

Albino python as his necklace. 

I'm pretty, huh? 

I was just standing and looking at it while my coursemate was happily touching it and kept on asking me to touch it too. I tried but I chickened out have no guts to do so. I don't know why.

Then he said, "Nevermind, it feels just like those ladies handbag.Only this is harder."


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