Friday, September 24, 2010

A Week

Wow totally forgot about this blog.

Yes, I have been busy. Super busy.

Monday submitted my proposal to my supervisor. Hopefully there isn't any major changes. Tuesday was Electrochemistry exam. So of course I was busy studying. Thought of relaxing a bit on Wednesday but Thursday had another last minute Kinetics exam. I happily thought it was the last exam, mana tau next Thursday got another exam. The killer paper of all, Symmetry in Molecule. Lecturer is already halfway teaching and I can tell you that I have no idea what he has been talking about.

I haven't been touching any other subjects for the past few weeks and there are just too many to catch up. In additional, I haven't get feedback from lecturer regarding my thesis proposal and next Friday is the due date!
It's another busy week ahead =(

My head is spinning.

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