Tuesday, December 21, 2010

BBQ again!

Took a trip down south to Muar last Friday for a BBQ birthday celebration. Yes, BBQ again. Haha!

Guest enjoying the food.
There was beef, prawn, chicken wings, corn, marshmallows, squid, fried meehoon, Kajang satay
and most important was OTAK OTAK

The BBQ pit and the two chefs, Ronnie & William.
Wearing white some more. Ada gaya chef. Haha

Grandpa Wan's 65th birthday cake with Grandma Wan and their grandchildren. 

Special ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins for December babies. 

-pictures courtesy of Irene Wan's facebook-

It was a great time with nice people, funny children and awesome food! 2 BBQs in less than a month and I ended up with sore throat on Monday. 

Going for steamboat this week =)

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