Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sign Language

It's so interested and fun!

Finally after 5 semesters, I have the opportunity to take up sign language because in previous semesters, the class clashed with my majors. Plus, I only have 3 majors this final semester which made me quite free. Yeah, finally a more relaxing semester after 5 freaking busy semesters.

Remember how I complaint every time about having so many things to do? Well, I won't do that this semester =D

I just attended the second class last Tuesday and I am enjoying it. I even took my first test already.


Chapter 1. 

Well, the downside about learning sign language in UKM is I am learning it in Bahasa Malaysia. I am not too sure whether the signs are international or not. But the book I am using is in BM. Will check it out with my lecturer next week. 

On the other hand, my lecturer said that at the end of the course, we would be able to communicate with the deaf and mute. Looking forward to learn more =)


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