Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Wow! It's March already. The 3rd month into year 2011. And in another 6 more weeks, I am so out of this jungle. Now I feel that time really flies. A few last hurdles that I need to face are thesis and final examination. 3 years in UKM would be over soon. 

I am happy I would be leaving soon but not happy to leave friends. Well, that's life. Things come and go. 

Pure Chemistry family.


PERKEB family.

Beatrice & Isabel

And many many more =D



Natasha Sosa said...

jenny u too 3 years course ???
me too left few week gonna leave tis island lo~

J e n n Y said...

yeah pure science is 3 years only.
on 18 april then i will be free from this jungle and no need to face monkeys anymore!
congrats to u too =)

Isabel said...

aww... im in the list T.T you'll always in my list too. sigh. i can't even rmb the last time i saw you. Lets go for lunch/ dinner someday, with Beatrice! =)